Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Three Cheap Holiday Ideas for under 30’s

Going somewhere sunny and warm on holiday when you are young isn’t always an option due to the high cost of accommodation and the price of flights it can be hard to find a good deal. Thankfully there are ways to enjoy some time off without having to dig into your savings but we will not be able to guarantee if there will be any sun though!

Caravanning in Devon - Although the series ‘The Inbetweeners’ gave a somewhat poor insight into the world of caravanning it is a very cheap holiday option all the same. Off peak prices start at around £130 for 4 nights and during peak season prices rise to £210 for 4 nights stay. Split those prices if you are going with a group of friends and that works out to roughly £50 each for a great mini vacation. The most lucrative thing about caravanning though is that you get to travel to your ideal location and when you have the beautiful beaches of Devon just outside your mobile home it definitely seems worth it.

Camping in the south of France - The most expensive thing about holidays abroad apart from the cost of the flights is the accommodation. However if you choose to go somewhere relatively warm and are happy sleeping out in the nature then camping abroad is something you should definitely consider. If you book your flights early enough they can be relatively cheap and if you don’t make it in time for some cheap tickets you can always take a coach which should work out cheaper. For 7 days stay in the south of France in a camping park off peak it will cost you roughly 26 Euros a night including electricity but remember to divide that price by how many friends you take along with you - so in theory for a 7 days stay with 3 other friends it would cost you roughly 46 Euros which is incredibly cheap for a week’s stay in a foreign country!

Renting a cottage in Wales - What a lot of people in the UK fail to realise is how beautiful it can be if you travel to Wales, Ireland or Scotland. We have some very picturesque locations scattered around and it’s just a matter of looking around to find them. As long as you go off peak you can grab yourself some bargains for example a week’s stay in a cottage in Wales will set you back £220 off peak, divide that by 4 friends and that’s £55 each.

There are plenty of cheap holiday and days out ideas out there and if you want to find some bargains you should take a look at discount websites that can greatly reduce the cost of your stay.

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